Sick at Home

This morning at about 4:00am I woke up feeling very, very sick... at 6:00am when the alarm went off I knew I wasn't going into work, it took me two more hours to get down the stairs to my computer. Which is where I have sat for the last 4 hours.
It's days like today that an IMAP e-mail set up is really beneficial - I have all of my work e-mails with me at all times, where ever I go. This has been helpful, because I've gotten over 50 e-mails today and responded to about 30 of them.
In addition to that, I had a conference call with a new client in Toronto - I guess it didn't matter that I wasn't in the office for that.
The only negative about today (other than the way I feel) is that I had to cancel a lunch meeting and a car appointment... otherwise a pretty productive day so far.
Most of my family have been sick the last two or three days, so I guess it's my turn - on the plus side, they have had full recovery within a day, so here's hoping.
Labels: flu, sick, sick day, stay at home sick, work from home
Hope you're feeling better soon.
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