Presentation Synergy

Now, I'm not one of those people that is afraid of speaking in public. As long as I am prepared and have written the material, I can get up in front of anyone or any crowd of any size. Come to think of it, I think that may just be the key to making a great presentation. Writing about something you are passionate about and rehearsing it again and again (and again) that is.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here... I'm not saying that I made a great presentation, it was good, but it wasn't great. And there are a few reasons why. For starters, it was my first real public presentation, going into a room as a guest speaker where my presence was advertised. No pressure, I'm a professional, right? Another reason was that I was just too busy leading up to my presentation and despite keeping a clear schedule, I could not escape the usual interruptions of running a small business.
So, let's just say if I were to make the same presentation this week, I would look a bit more comfortable and wouldn't have rushed through a couple of important parts. Remember, all parts in a presentation are important, otherwise they shouldn't be included.
My presentation was about how I started Francomedia and how I became the Idea Hooker... a story which did garner a few chuckles from the audience (it was meant to). I then spoke about identifying your brand motto and gave two real world examples of how Francomedia exceeded their clients expectations through immersive marketing. The two examples I showed were the Alternate Reality Game or ARG we developed for The Node Gaming Centre called 'Experience the Node' and the unique packaging experience we designed for VoodooPC which we called the 'Out of Box Experience'.
When it was all said and done, I was happy with the outcome. I got to meet some interesting people and hope to do some business with some of the contacts soon.
It didn't hurt that I had the whole team of Francomedia behind me in putting some kick ass graphics up on the screen and helping me fine tune the speech... Thanks guys, you always make me look good.
Labels: Good Presentation, Keynote, Making Presentation, Public Speaking
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