Golfing with the Flames

Each team draws for a Flames player, alumni, draft pick or coach to play with them. You have no idea who you are going to get on your team.
Last year, we got Johnny Negrin, a 3rd round draft pick of the Calgary Flames and a star defenceman for the WHL's Kootenay Ice. It was his first training camp and I'm sure he was nervous as hell, but we had a great time with him and hope to see him wearing the red jersey soon. It was great playing golf with him and hearing his stories of getting through the draft and onto training camp.
This year, they made the draw and we got Todd Bertuzzi. Wow. Calgary's newest trade - a great goal scorer and without going into details, a bit of infamy. I really hadn't thought much about the trade nor did I know much about it. I just new he was a big guy and that every time I've seen him play live, he's scored on us. So, it took a bit to warm up to the guy that was a buzz kill at more than one Flames game. Not long mind you, he was very personable.
So, we got to spend an entire day with him golfing.
Our golf team couldn't have been better - it was a great group of guys and we golfed not too bad - and, every time we left Todd hanging, with pressure to make some ridiculous shots, he came through for us. He sunk a chip shot from about 80 yards for an eagle! I think he had fun with us, despite having to save our asses on more than one hole.
You can tell that most of the players at these types of functions want to talk about anything but hockey, but it's hard to restrain yourself in that situation.
There's no doubt, Todd Bertuzzi will make a great addition to the Flames line up and I'm excited to see him in action and, from what I heard from a lot of other people, they are too.
At the dinner I sat beside Anders Eriksson and compared our iPhone apps - it was determined that the 'More Cowbell' was indispensable.
That's enough fluff for now - I'll get back to some marketing blogs in a bit.
Go! Flames! Go!
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