Report Card Time

Let's review my new years resolutions, goals and/or predictions from 2008 to see just how I did:
Give me a few days and I'll post my goals, predictions and resolutions for 2009 - I bet the three of you can't wait.
- Work smarter - somewhat, this is a work in progress and getting better all the time.
- Provide better service (gonna shake the post, baby) - somewhat, this is a work in progress, I have elevated service in some areas while dropping in others.
- Be home on weekends, not at work - mission accomplished, although it took 9 months, I have only gone into the office on a weekend 3 times since September.
- Lose 20lbs - in 1 year??? yeah, right. I'm up 2lbs - a nasty virus kept me down most of the year.
- Hire a customer liaison - doh! Did I really say that??
- Double business volume once more - mission accomplished, volume is easy when your team does great work.
- Host weekly creative meetings - not even close, but will work towards it this coming year.
- Set the bar high, on everything - it's set, only through providing great work and striving to do the best will we be able to continue to be competitive over the next couple of years.
- Double the amount of blog posts - mission accomplished, damn near tripled it and will continue to do it as long as the three people that read it don't get to bored with my musings.
- Hand deliver cards and gifts to clients - I got a few out the door, it's just so damn busy just before the holidays... it doesn't mean I don't appreciate each and every one of our customers, it just comes down to time... do ya want your work done, or do you want a clever xmas card?
Give me a few days and I'll post my goals, predictions and resolutions for 2009 - I bet the three of you can't wait.