Here I Sit, Broken Hearted...

Good creative comes in all forms, eh?
It's been two months since I posted last and to be quite honest, I've been too busy to really sit back and think, nevermind write. So, after a long hiatus, here is my blog post - and a weak one at that. Sorry. They will get better - in fact, I've got some content already written and some thoughts put to paper (so to speak), I'm just waiting for the right time - when the moon aligns with the stars and so on.
December is always a hectic month and January went by way too fast... February will also fly by, no doubt.
In another day, we'll be taking the kids to Disneyland - they're pretty excited about the whole thing. I'm looking forward to the change in routine and scenery.... maybe I'll see some good graffiti down in LA? I hope so.
I'm looking forward to returning too, being fully recharged and eager to further grow my business. Right now we're working on some really exciting projects with some great customers and it's just the beginning. I am really enjoying work right now - we get to work on some really exciting and creative projects and our bag of tricks seams to grow a bit more with each passing day. We're fortunate to have clients that are as passionate about their business as we are about helping them with their creative.
But, I digress. Let's get back to out-house creative. Who pens these gems? Are they disgruntled copy writers that have been edited one to many times? Maybe they're wanna be ad guys or perhaps, maybe they're just connoisseurs of good, not so clean, social commentary. Either way, these bards must be saluted for their creativity (the ones that are actually creative) for they make us smile whilst we are taking care of the nasty business.
How 'bout this - I wanna see your funniest bathroom graffiti (written in the comments please, not photos of actual defaced property) so leave a comment with an original thought or a funny saying that you saw somewhere. (limericks also accepted)
And, for those of you who took a crap today - I saw you take it... now put it back.
PS - I do not condone the defacing of public property nor vandalism - restroom owners would be wise to offer chalkboards or dry erase markers to those patrons that are creatively inclined...